

Traveling with kids is stupid. They fight, they walk in circles, they pick up weird shit, they spill things on strangers. But, it is also the best. They learn stuff, they gain independence and empathy and grit, they practice teamwork, they change their world view. And, in those moments between fighting over seat belts, some real family bonding happens. I’m a mother of three, ages 9, 6, and 3, and we love to travel whether it's a local day trip or an international family vacation.

Anytime we try somewhere new, in an attempt to curate the perfect storm of fun, learning, and adventure, I google [somewhere] with kids. The more I know about a place, the better it often goes. And, my favorite advice is usually from other parents; their mistakes and triumphs are my triumphs and triumphs. I'm hoping I can do the same for others. 

The other reason I’m here? I recently quit my job as a high school vice principal. After 15 years in education I’m ready to do something new. I just have no idea what the hell that is! So, I’m trying this. If you like what you see, let me know; my mid-life crisis will thank you.